
Chicca Lopez

Chicca Lopez is a crime-police series that follows the investigations of a young marescialla (sergeant) from Salento, who returns to her homeland after ten years in the North. The series revolves around her cases and her complicated personal life. Chicca, an innovative character with a mysterious past and a fascination for the esoteric, investigates not only local crimes but also the secrets surrounding her parents and childhood, hidden in the archives of a Puglian orphanage. Beyond her external investigations, Chicca faces the hardest one: the investigation into herself. Chicca is, first and foremost, a woman, a daughter, and a lover—roles that can be challenging and painful, and that she must learn to navigate while risking her life daily for her work.

Based on the novels “Pizzica Amara” and “La regola di Santa Croce” by Gabriella Genisi

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Produced by Minerva Pictures Written by Fortunata Apicella and Libero Pastore